hey peeps, this is a rant so if you don't wish t continue reading you can always not alright, thanks.
truly and surely, everything is never th same anymore, and i'm not th one changing, you are and i don't know why. you use t send me texts, long texts before you sleep and texts when you wake up in th morning even when i'm still sleeping, that's sweet and i really liked it, but now, i guess not. you've changed and you don't know, and i've told you many times that it's not th same anymore, you just won't believe me. you told me things like, i'll send you a joyful verse in th morning so that you hope that my day would be a better one, compared t any other days. you stopped ? & i don't know why either. maybe you've a change of heart ? maybe you don't take this seriously as last time anymore ? questions and more questions for myself and you t answer. you use t text me, i know because you loved me and you needed me and you whole heartedly wanted t talk t me, so do i. but now, you text me just because you're bored, or just because you have nothing else better t do, so you text me. i doubt you'll text me anymore if you're occupied, for example, blogging, chatting with your friends ? if you're using me as a entertainment, there's no point in needing me, just for th sake of having me t be in a relationship ? this doesn't mean anything, alright ? think about it.
when someone loses his/her feelings th other party knows it, so don't hide it.. just tell him straight into his/her face. th longer you drag th worst is gets and when th person finds out, it's gna get ugly, you might not want that. if there's anything in mind, clarify it on th spot, regardless of what, scared, "don't want t cry", "don't want you t be sad", whatever okay, excuses enough of that. just tell him, if he don't understands it or whatsoever, that's too bad, because it's no longer yr fault, you did yr part and clarified and told him yr feelings, but he/she can't accept th fact that's just too bad. & i realise there's always a spark that starts of a quarrel, and for every quarrel means a thing, you don't just quarrel for th sake of quarreling, you learn from it and you prevent it from happening it again, and not repeating th same mistake ? that just makes you a plain dumbass alright. it's like you're being retained in secondary 3 and you don't learn a shit, and continue t retain for another year..so on and so fourth.
and quarrels allows both party t understand each other better, so no quarrels are POINTLESS. don't break up just because of that, if you can't take quarrels don't ever be in a relationship, you're not ready for it, i rather you go self-pleasure yourself @ a corner or something.
a relationship w/o a quarrel isn't a relationship, although quarrels is not a completely "good" factor but, i rather have it then not. it's just weird not having one. because no one in th world is perfect, there's definetly something you both can agree, and th other party does not always give in right ?
1 tip t happy relationships, be sensitive t people feelings, and not just yourself. mpathy is definitely not overrated. Most of the problems with relationships are emotional in nature. Being sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people around you will cause a marked improvement in your dealings with them. Knowing when you're stepping on someone's toes, or when a friend is "not in the mood" will keep you from the dreaded foot-in-mouth disease.
just 1 thing t you (you should know who you are), i ain't yr first priority. things like blogging and other stuffs are being brought infront.
i'm not asking you to be perfect, i'm just asking you t be th girl before. yes we do quarrel, and i've not been giving in alot, that's my fault, it's just alot of problems occuring and not just relationships, i mean seriously not a excuse i swear. my dad is one big fucking obstacle and irritant, when i'm out he can't just tell me nicely t come back home, he shouts at me for no reason, just like a guy with sudden expulsion of blood from his ass, this not only spoils my mood, i'm furious and hopes someone t be ther for me, and who would be th first person i think of ? ha ha, think about it. when i have troubles and problems, who would be th first t look for, who would be closes t me and understands how i feel. my p arents ? my brothers, or th loved one. i'm just a guy asking for a understandable girl, that cares for me and be by my side when i need someone t be there t comfort me. is it that hard for you t accomplish that.
not asking you t be superwoman or something, so what is it that you chose, yr blog ? yr friends ? yr televison, yr drama, yr hot guy in th dramas.
something that i've been wondering, and most of you who are in r/s would have wondered, what does yr relationship mean t you, love ? or lust ? or just plain poser(trend)
fuck you dad.
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